On Sunday the 10th of April, I went to a ceremony at the Buddhist Temple in Willen and joined the celebration of the Buddha’s birthday. There was a welcome and introduction, invocation and then a scattering of flower petals which were offered to the Buddha. In Japan the date for Buddha's Birthday is April the 8th, but some temples start the celebrations earlier. The festival is different at each temple. The Buddha means the awakened being. He was born as Prince Siddhartha more than two and half thousand years ago in modern day Nepal. When he was young, he was greatly saddened by the sufferings he saw around him and embarked on a journey to free people from pain, disease and old age.
Through arduous practice, Prince Siddhartha realised through his own experience of enlightenment that ultimate salvation is through freeing oneself from the slavery of his own mind. He became the Buddha –the awakened one and devoted the rest of his life teaching this realisation to his fellow human beings. The essence of the Buddha’s teaching is that true peace begins with making peace with oneself. Clear perception comes when one stops projecting, fantasizing and misinterpreting reality. In my view, this is particularly relevant with the current world situation. Wish more and more people hear the message and make some real efforts to bring lasting peace to the world.
Friday, 26 May 2023
Friday, 19 May 2023
Litter Picking
These are photographs of residents of Camphill Milton Keynes doing litter picking.
Litter picking is the activity of going around a public place picking up litter (= small pieces of rubbish lying on the ground).
Any litter removed from a natural ecosystem helps wildlife and creates a better space for humans too! Counteract litterbugs by being a litter picker. You don't have to be on an organised litter pick to help, just pick up any rogue litter when you see it and pop it in the bin!
Friday, 12 May 2023
Valentine Disco
These are photographs of residents of Camphill Milton Keynes going to a Valentine Disco at the Chrysalis Theatre.
Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day?
It originated as a Christian feast day honouring a martyr named Valentine and through later folk traditions, it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.