Thursday 25 April 2019

Euro Disco

On Wednesday 27th March, there was a Euro pop disco at the Chrysalis Theatre in Camphill Milton Keynes. Politics was not allowed but there were plenty of cheesy Euro music tunes played by the DJ. This disco happened as an “antidote” to all our Brexit woes. There were also nice snacks.
Alex Fox

Thursday 18 April 2019


I have been going to a course called Food4Thought with other residents from Camphill Milton Keynes. It is being done in Blackthorne House on Tuesday evenings. We have been talking about healthy eating and what to eat without putting on weight. We have been keeping weekly food diary’s and have had to include how many glasses of water we drink and also how many minutes of exercise we take each day
Alex Fox

Thursday 11 April 2019

Land Day

On Friday 12th March the residents and staff of Camphill Milton Keynes had a Land Day. This involved getting rid of all the rubbish that had accumulated in our houses, general cleaning of our houses and also cleaning around the grounds like weeding. When we had finished cleaning we all had lunch in the Chrysalis Theatre.
Alex Fox

Thursday 4 April 2019

Community Assembly

These are photographs of residents and staff of Camphill Milton Keynes having a Community Assembly at the Crypt in Camphill Milton Keynes on Friday 12th March.
Alex Fox