Wednesday 17 July 2013

Ceremony for the 33rd Anniversary of the Milton Keynes Peace Pagoda

On Sunday 23rd June, there was a celebration at the Peace Pagoda which is next to Camphill Milton Keynes to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the building of the Peace Pagoda.
This is an outline of what happened.
10.15am Procession – Monks and Nuns of Nipponzan Myohoji led the procession from the Temple to the Peace Pagoda.
10.35am Ceremony of the 33rd Anniversary of the Peace Pagoda, presided over by Rev. Masunaga, Senior Monk of Nipponzan Myohoji.
11.30am Address and Message of peace: Sir Stuart Hampson, High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire.
11.40am Prayers for Peace offered by representatives of the following faiths:
Christian – Father Colin Griffiths, The Well
Hindu – Mr. Bharat Vyas
Jewish – Mrs. Lynda Gilbert
Muslim – Mr. Fazle Khundkar
Pagan – Mr. Nick Woodley
Quaker – Ms. Helen Stephenson
Sai Baba – Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation
Sikh – Mr. P. Obhi
12.25pm Addresses and Messages of Peace:
Councillor Brian White – Mayor of Milton Keynes
Sister Susan Clarkson – Catholic Worker Organisation
Pavla Gossop – MK Peace and Justice Network
Shigeo Kobayashi – Japanese Against Nuclear
1.00pm Lunch Interval: Songs for Peace – Marcus Armstrong and friend.
2.00pm Multi-Cultural Events:
Japanese Songs – Sakura Ladies Choir
Sanskrit Songs – Children of the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation
Indian Children’s Dance – Nrithiya Sangeetha Academy
Peace Songs – Members of the Sri Lankan Community
Poetry and Hand bell performance – Camphill Community (I read a song called ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon while Hanna and Charmaine rung bells to it).
Djembe Drum Music – Inta Africa Drum Group
3.30pm Conclusion Rev. Nagahma
Alex Fox

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