Thursday, 26 October 2017

Learning Disability Partnership Board

On Tuesday 3rd October, there was the Learning Disability Partnership Board meeting at Heron's Lodge in Milton Keynes.
This started at 10.00 am with a sign-in and drinks. Then from 10.45am until 12.15 there was a morning workshop called 'Barriers to Employment'.
Lunch was at 12.15pm.
The Partnership Board Meeting started at 1.00 pm. This started with a welcome and introductions. There were presentations from Job Centre Plus, MK College Internship, Equality Works, and Talkback BBO Project. After the presentations there were questions to the panel and a summary.
Then there was a presentation about the work of 'Connection Support'. After this there were minutes of the last Partner Board meeting and a Matters Arising Update on PB issues. There were also Hot Topics and any other business. The Partnership Board meeting finished at 3.00pm.
People from Camphill Milton Keynes who went to this meeting were Alex Fox, Lee Surridge, Thomas Craven, Anna Dixon, Tim Davies the CEO of Camphill Milton Keynes and also Ronald Bastidas.

Alex Fox

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Feast of Fire

These are some photographs of a rehearsal of a shadow play done on Thursday 19th October at the Chrysalis Theatre in Camphill Milton Keynes for the Feast of Fire Celebration which is going to be on Saturday 21nd October at Midsummer Boulevard and The Point Car Park in Milton Keynes. It is going to be a beautiful 'Spellbound' show for all ages in The Point Car Park. There will be fire sculptures and performances in Midsummer Boulevard (East).
There is also going to be The People's Procession - 250 citizens carrying flaming torches - which will then lead to a fiery dance party.
This is going to be a magical celebration for Milton Keynes' 50th Birthday.

Alex Fox

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Music in the Brickhills

On Sunday 1st October, Music in the Brickhills brought a live performance of classical music at the Chrysalis Theatre in Camphill Milton Keynes.
Music in the Brickhills is a loose association of local orchestral musicians, players and singers who get together to give fine performances with 100% of proceeds going to nominated charities.
The proceeds of this performance went to Willen Hospice.
There was Concerto for two trumpets by Vivaldi, concerto for to violins by Bach and also Zadok the priest, messiah (excepts) by Handel.
Alex Fox

Friday, 6 October 2017

Harvest and Michaelmas Celebration

On Friday 29th September Camphill Milton held a Harvest and Michaelmas Celebration at the Chrysalis Theatre in Camphill Milton Keynes. People in the community had a shared lunch. 
There was bell ringing, singing, a eurythmy performance and people doing talks.
Michaelmas, or the Feast of Michael and All Angels, is celebrated on the 29th of September every year. As it falls near the equinox, the day is associated with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days.
Alex Fox